The new working standard

Between home office and COMPRiS office

Masks, social distancing and a number of hygiene rules are now part of our everyday office life when we are not working from home. Around 70% of colleagues in the COMPRiS team have been doing this for almost a year. Mobile working is nothing new for us, but continuity is.

Here in the office, we have become just as accustomed to the smell of disinfectant as to the quiet, almost soothing whirring of the new air filtration systems. Two antiviral air filter systems from Mann + Hummel were installed last December. Thanks to these systems with highly efficient HEPA H14 filters, up to 99.995% of virus-laden aerosols are now removed from the air. Since this week, we have also been providing the team with the necessary self-tests to complete our contribution to containing the pandemic.